Tad was not terribly excited, though he refused to sleep before midnight (Toby, on the other hand, had passed out hours before - definitely a turnaround!). We stayed in, since I'm attached at the boob, and it's difficult to get a babysitter anyways. sonJa and Vanessa came over and we had Kenyan samosas, various apps, and bad punch (according to V!)
Toby & Tad have both been sick - Toby with the ears again, and Tad caught Toby's perennial cold. He's got a heart breaking cough, losing his breath and all snorty. He's been more fussy than usual and his sleep is off. Other than that, he is gaining well - up to 12 lbs - and learning new tricks every day.
He was 2 months old on Christmas Eve, and has just discovered his hands - he bats at baby toys and often goes for my cleavage. He sleeps pretty well most of the time, and spends a fair amount of time gazing at Toby. He also likes editing videos and dancing to African music with Baba, and recognizes his other peeps with smiles and gurgles (Auntie V, Gungie, and Opa).
Tad wasn't very interested in Christmas, but Toby was the perfect age for his first visit from Santa. When he saw the Diego doll under the tree, he said, I asked Santa for roller skates, but he brought Diego - it's okaaaay, and headlocked the full size Diego. I guess he thought Santa only brings one gift per person, so tried to give us the other items under the tree. Once he realized he could have more than one present, he happily opened the box with the roller skates - and then said, what are these?? I guess he had no idea what roller skates actually were when he asked the daycare Santa for them.. But he loved everything about Christmas - especially helping Auntie V dish out the gifts - for you you, for you you, is this one for ME? with a high pitched squeal. He was delighted and delightful... not yet a brat, and hopefully won't be!

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