Monday, December 04, 2006

so I'm a poopyhead too....

Am really getting beat up for the lack of updates! but Mr. Poopyhead is keeping me busy, and work certainly hasn't slowed down any!

I did post 6-months photos on Epson- even those of his wee operation (no, not that wee-wee!). He was tongue tied, with his tongue attached just behind his teeth, so that had to be snipped & stitched. Very conveniently for us, the local maxilofacial surgeon is our next door neighbour (Baba Joy, for those that have been here!). Tobes was good-natured in the hospital (though I was a nervous wreck) and just a little pathetic afterwards - poopy drawers and bouts of crankiness - but within a few days he was a-ok.

Since then he's developed a lot - from sitting to standing himself up on pretty much anything, to becoming a practically expert crawler! Yep, he's motoring around the place like crazy - nothing is safe any more, and he's getting his fair share of bumps on the head. He's now 7 months + 1 week - I have no idea if he should be crawling or walking from item to item in the living room, but it's a bit nerve-wracking!

We're having "issues" getting him to sleep in his own bed (crib) - but at least he has one now! We also got a cool modular high-chair to round out the baby furniture. He still needs to be comforted to sleep - either wheeled around the compound by Modesta, nursed by me, or sometimes a bottle from Baba works too (Anthony's the official bottler - and Toby has learned to take it now too, thank heavens). He eats like a Voerman - loves everything we give him and wants more. He shouts, laughs, & farts a lot too (great-Opa?)

Anniken was here until just the other day, so we got to see her expanding belly (due in Feb) . Haven't seen much of Jeniffer's lately though! (also due in Feb). We've been out with Finn & Aslaug quite a bit recently, including Leah's birthday party on Nov 12 and a day trip to Lake Naivasha.

Now we're already into planning Toby's first Christmas - and Anthony's first Canadian Christmas - and my first since 2001! We arrive on Dec 19 and depart on Jan 9... Christmas shopping is a bit different here but that's another post altogether.

Toby's into almost all of the outfits we received when I was home in the summer, and looks pretty snazzy in all of 'em (if I do say so myself!) ....many many tonnes of thanks again!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous31.1.07

    Ahem, tis now practically February ;) *haha* Just looking at these pics makes me wanna squish them sweet kiddies o'your's! Hope all's going well sweetie!
    sonJa :)
    PS: Squishes to you & Mr. A too of course!?!?!
