Wednesday, September 27, 2006

5 months already?!

yep, here he is, getting all big n stuff! He doesn't hate being on his tummy as much, and seems ready to crawl any day now. I haven't taken him to the doctor for his 5-month check up, but he's definitely gained weight - what with all this pureed fruit & cereal! he also seems taller. Renee said she noticed a BIG difference when she saw him again after climbing Mt Kenya for 11 days (she's now diving at the coast but will be back on the weekend).

he's sitting pretty and still making bbbb sounds, and laughs on demand - but only for Leah! the rest of us get huge smiles, but laughing is reserved for his big sister... all she needs to do is smile and giggle, and he's off!

he's now wearing some of the cool big-baby clothes he got in Canada... but his mother is back into her pre-pregnancy jeans.... YAY!! finally. I guess the gym paid off - but since I've been back at work, the gym has not fit into my schedule. However, work is going fine - I'm managing to get home every day for lunch and mostly home on time in the evning... just a bit tired, but thank heavens he's a good sleeper! in fact he can now get to sleep in the evening all by himself, and only wakes around midnight - then not again till 6 or 7am... right on!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous16.11.06

    Oh Toby Toes, you are quite the little guy aren't you, I'd say you are quite the little man but that's my nephew John A. so you'll have to be litle guy :) I hope your family is happy and well adn I can't wait to see you at Christmas time in Canada again, lookit you being the little world traveller, Kenya to Canada twice before you're even 9 months old.
    Auntie sonJa :)
