Sunday, June 25, 2006

the time has come!

...almost, anyway! it's the night before Toby and I leave for Canada and I can't sleep! I'm so excited to go... but on the other hand, I am not really looking forward to being away for so long. I'm torn! Anthony will really miss Toby - and Toby will miss his Baba. As will the kids miss their little brother... a month seems like forever. Of course I know I will have an awesome time, and I can hardly wait to show Toby his other people, his home and native land... but if Anthony was coming with us, it would make all the difference in the world.

I am also curious as to how this enormously long plane trip will go with a 2-month-old. He's generally such a good baby - but like all of 'em, unpredictable - so I'm a little nervous. He's not at the age yet where he can be distracted by toys or words... Though I will be carrying his favourite meal, what if he starts to holler at an inopportune time? Or what if his little ears plug up and he screams like hell on the plane? [I am checking into the Benedryl advice, and I will make sure he's feeding at take-off and landing!] Then how will I be able to sleep on the plane if I've constantly got one eye (or ear) open, making sure he's ok? What if he poops all over the place?? How will I manage all this for over 24 hours, when I can't even sleep the night before!!!

Wish me luck. We'll see you Canadians soon, eh!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous26.6.06

    Read your notes on Loki (2003ish) and found them interesting. I was there in 93/94 when it was much smaller.
