Saturday, June 17, 2006

dooce & development

dooce - what a cool blog! I have been endlessly searching the net on hot topics such as vaccine poisioning, baby development, and discipline techniques (for Kevin, not Toby!) and stumbled across this site. She's a sarcastic bitch with a flair for words & design - of course I have to read it!

Meanwhile, Toby is multitasking - propped up on a pillow, extremely proud of his ability to both spit up and smile at the same time. He's also pretty good at pooping-while-eating, and flapping his arms around while kicking me in the boob. He has a peculiar expression that includes simultaneous smiling and crying - I suspect that's the no-holds-barred attention getter (it works - like the boob-kicking wouldn't!).

In other development news, he googles a lot now - oops, that's the geek in me, I mean goo-goos - we have lengthy vowel-based conversations with a lot of ah-gas or oh-guhs thrown in. Totally different from his regular n-gaaaaaaaa cry for food, which usually (thankfully) only happens when he's starvin'-hungry. Even in the middle of the night he wakes us up with a polite uh. uh? uh! (and admittedly a few impolite kicks) instead of a shriek.

He squeaks, grunts, and snorts a fair bit, and his funky eyebrow expressions complement his big bright eyes. He loves staring out the window (or at a blank wall) and counts the hanging mosquito net and the bed post among his dear friends. He smiles readily when I wipe his mouth, and he also enjoys regular sneezes. He makes a loud ahh sound after every cough or sneeze - sort of a combination of effort and accomplishment. He's progressed from furious screaming in the bath to serious heavy breathing - I almost think he's starting to enjoy it!

He's been able to hold his head up and stand right on his wee legs since he was born, so that's not new. But now, after lots of furious exercising, he can raise his head up while on his tummy, and sometimes turn himself over. He gets annoyed quickly though - I have a feeling he'll be crawling soon out of sheer frustration.

well, he's furiously knuckle-biting now..... time for the 24-hour buffet!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous20.6.06

    Lookit you go Mr. T! Very excited about finally getting to meet you next month, it's less than a couple of weeks away now! I'm also making my apt. baby proof for when you come to TO at the end of you Canadian adventure. Hope the 24 hour buffet filled ya and stop kickin yer mom's boobs, silly kid-let.
    Auntie sonJa :)
