Friday, May 19, 2006

life with baby

A month ago today, my parents had just arrived from Canada. Wow, time flies!

After 3-1/2 weeks of getting to know each other, Toby and I are getting along famously. He usually sleeps like a charm, and doesn't mind being carted all over hell & creation (as my mother might say). His pouts are the cutest ever - though it's probably not very nice of me to laugh like crazy whenever he's upset ;)

Apparently boys have this eating thing - so far it's happened twice that he needs to eat continuously for about 24 hours, barely stopping to nap. In a word - ow! He's frantic about it, and frantic means, "hey, let's bite mummy and not let go!" Otherwise the breastfeeding is also going on well - we both got the hang of it and it's usually painless (except as noted).

Along with my parents, we have also hosted Anthony's mother Susanna - the grandparents overlapped for a day or so before my parents left on May 9th, and she is just going back to Kitale today. [My Kiswahili has notably improved.]

In between visitors, we've survived a few colds (including poor little Toby - he's all ok now) stomach upsets (me), and Anniken was just released with a clean bill of health from the presidential suite at Nairobi Hospital. She was determined to be out in time for the 17th of May, which is Norwegian Independence Day, and apparently quite the celebration. She borrowed Leah & Gigi from school and took them to a kid's parade and fun day, complete with Maasai in full regalia................!


  1. Anonymous19.5.06

    I wonder what Toby is thinking...

  2. Anonymous19.5.06

    Sweet pic of Sikoi and Toby! Please tell Anniken & Sikoi I said hi and hope she's feeling better. Love to all the Khisa Gang!
    sonJa :)
