Tuesday, April 25, 2006

he's here!!!

Tobias Khisa, 7.5 lbs / 3.4 kg, born April 25, 2006 at 1910 EAT (GMT+3).
Yes, it was incrediby painful! Anthony stayed the whole time, and was mightily impressed with my fortitude - meanwhile, I would have preferred to die! When they say 'pain killer,' they lie..... Damn shots didn't work at all. But I was lucky - it wasn't too long, only 4 hours or so of hard labour after they started the drip to speed things up. Then, once the head popped out, there was no more work - he just slipped out - what a relief!
I'm surprised he's a cutie - I thought all newborns looked all mashed up! He's also really good - no real crying at all, and managed to breastfeed & barf successfully. Since then he's been sleeping with Baba (Anthony) - I had no idea it was 4am already!


  1. Anonymous26.4.06

    Wow!! lookie there... another Gigi! No question that Anthony is the father... even as a newborn he looks just like his Baba; Anthony!
    Congrats Khisa and Voerman Family !!
    You make beautiful children :)

  2. Anonymous26.4.06

    He's beautiful Joanna. You should be very proud. R

  3. Anonymous18.6.06

    Just received your site from my niece Tracey Gant...you are amazing..what a wonderful family you have...good luck in all you do and I hope you continue to share your many earthly adventures...God Bless you and all of your loved ones...I had goose bumps reading much of what you have written and will check in on your site often to see how you are doing..Take care..You are a beautiful family..Sincerely Willowdene hugs to all of you
